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Int32 in .NET - Things I learned (#1?)


Here's what I looked like while learning about Int32 in .NET:

Yet another sad cat

What do I think they are?

After doing DateTime, I'm a bit more accustomed to thinking about things in bits.

I assume that an Int32 is just a 32 Bit integer. I believe that since it is signed, then there must be 1 bit reserved for denoting positive or negative numbers.

Comparison should be easy, maybe the bits are assessed individually? I'm curious to know how basic math operations are performed.

5 things that I learned while looking at Int32

  • int is a shortcut to Int32. I panicked a little bit thinking they were different for some reason.
  • The MaxValue of an Int32 is 2147483647 (One bit is reserved as expected).
  • The MinValue of an Int32 is -2147483648
  • {{NUMBER}}U is shorthand for UInt32 (kinda handy)
  • I tried to look at how an Int32 became a string, and my day was worse for it
    • As far as I'm concerned, the code blocks below are simply magic.
      • I was just trying to learn about Int32 and instead I'm reading absolute atrocities and I don't like it.
  • I got stunned by the existence of *--bufferEnd it's "decrementing the pointer operand"... We'll pretend I know what that means.
    • I tried to test this out and was blocked by being unable to write unsafe code. I had to add <AllowUnsafeBlocks>true</AllowUnsafeBlocks> to the .csproj
    • The fixed keyword is super interesting... and I have no clue how to use it :)
    private static unsafe string UInt32ToDecStr_NoSmallNumberCheck(uint value)
      int length = FormattingHelpers.CountDigits(value);
      string smallNumberCheck = string.FastAllocateString(length);
      IntPtr num;
      if (smallNumberCheck == null)
        num = IntPtr.Zero;
        fixed (char* chPtr = &smallNumberCheck.GetPinnableReference())
          num = (IntPtr) chPtr;
      Number.UInt32ToDecChars<char>((char*) (num + (IntPtr) length * 2), value);
      // ISSUE: fixed variable is out of scope
      // ISSUE: __unpin statement
      return smallNumberCheck;
    internal static unsafe TChar* UInt32ToDecChars<TChar>(TChar* bufferEnd, uint value) where TChar : unmanaged, IUtfChar<TChar>
      if (value >= 10U)
        while (value >= 100U)
          bufferEnd -= 2;
          (uint Quotient, uint Remainder) tuple = Math.DivRem(value, 100U);
          value = tuple.Quotient;
          Number.WriteTwoDigits<TChar>(tuple.Remainder, bufferEnd);
        if (value >= 10U)
          bufferEnd -= 2;
          Number.WriteTwoDigits<TChar>(value, bufferEnd);
          return bufferEnd;
      *--bufferEnd = TChar.CastFrom(value + 48U);
      return bufferEnd;

What were the differences?

It seems like a lot of the basic math operations are skipped, which makes sense. The interesting parts come with conversion to string and formatting along with that.

All I was wanting to know was how an int became a string. Instead I opened a whole Pandora's box. I learned a whole lot... just not a lot about Int32.

I didn't love that I just got confused by how that conversion code worked, however I think that it brings up some things that I should explore in the future:

  • Pointers + References
    • Pointer Operands
  • Char